An AI-driven, location-based platform designed to connect mixed-reality applications within a unified environment. Powering R&D projects such as x-ode, Urban Orbiter and popop.
Our core group of executives combine decades of experience in Media Innovation, Geographic Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence.
Pascal Maeder, CEO Urbanoid founder Former head of Atopia 25 years of experience in media innovation Co-inventor on 2 Urbanoid patents
Hafsa Ennajari, AI Advisor PhD specializing in Machine Learning & in-Network Aggregation Algorithms Co-inventor on 2 Urbanoid patents
Leonid Reinoso, CTO Masters in Cybernetics from the University of Havana 20 years of large-scale systems development experience Specializing in mapping & pattern recognition software Co-inventor on 2 Urbanoid patents
Akinlolu Ojo, Machine Learning Engineer PhD candidate specializing in Machine Learning Co-inventor on CTX patent
Urbanoid is bolstered by a team of experienced developers and further supported through collaborative research projects with Concordia University's Applied AI Institute.
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